Wednesday, September 8, 2010

eight week countdown

Well, folks, I am 32 weeks today. With eight weeks until my due date. That seems pretty soon! Eight weeks is the amount of time between Halloween and Christmas. And eight weeks ago was right in between the 4th and the 24th of July. When I think of all the stuff I need to do/get before our little girl arrives . . . it feels like time is running out!

Stats of the week: I'm getting big.
So is baby.

Her immune system is getting strong and she opens her eyes when she is awake. She can perceive light and darkness through the ever thinning uterus wall. She's between 3.5 and 4 pounds and 17 and 19 inches long. Wow. No wonder she's jabbing and squirming around! I'd be claustrophobic if I were in there all bunched up.

I'm so grateful for how uneventful this pregnancy has been. My heartburn comes and goes, and I have some sciatic nerve annoyance every now and then (mostly when I clean the house . . . better pass that duty off to someone else!). But I'm sleeping well, and I'm feeling generally good.

Lots of fun stuff to look forward to in these next 8 weeks. Fallidays has arrived! McKay and I love autumn! To celebrate, we created Fallidays which runs from the day after Labor Day to Thanksgiving day. During this festive season we make soups and pumpkin treats and cocoa and wear sweaters and savor the beautiful leaves and crisp air. General Conference (and screpes) are coming up in October, and I have a few more baby showers to look forward to.

And though I can't wait to hold my baby and regain some mobility, I am enjoying relaxing evenings with McKay, staying up late, napping, and basically doing what I want! I hear it from a lot of people - and I'll do my best to enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy before my little girl is taking all my time (though I'm excited to give it!). Here's to a fabulous eight weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely savor your last few weeks. It's kind of hard to live happily in the pre-baby weeks as a free adult when almost every thought or conversation is about your new little nugget on the way, but TRY!! And, though at times you may not think it, there will be some crazed, sleep-deprived Stephanie covered in spit up/poop/pee that will really miss being pregnant. Feeling the baby move and knowing that she is safe and warm and comfortable and well-fed is a luxury held in constancy only during a healthy happy pregnancy....but having the baby HERE here is tons of fun too!!
