Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I used to think that the moment I found out I was pregnant I would immediately cease all unhealthy practices - such as eating cookies, or pizza - and would become the perfect exerciser. I would provide the perfect little home for my growing speck.

Newsflash. This is false.

Although I've managed to keep all my food in my stomach where it belongs, I still fight nausea and sometimes the only thing to cure it is a whole blue box of Mac and Cheese! And with school and 24 hours of piano teaching a week I have managed to go on one jog in the past two months.

My current prescription for food-weirdness is a beautiful little snack my family calls "cheese things". Known to the rest of the world as "cheese toast" or "open faced grilled cheese " (a very long name), these pieces of toast with melted cheddar chase my troubles away faster than any other treat - with Oreo McFlurries being a close second.

So write me up for reckless pregnancy. I like fat right now. And I'll keep eating it.

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