I apologize to all my admiring fans for the unacceptable passage of time that has occurred between my last post and this! But I'm back in action!
Well, I'm a little over 9 weeks now, just a few weeks away from the end of the first trimester! I'm so grateful that I haven't gotten very sick, although I'm SUPER tired all the time. And my appetite is still a bit wacked out.
I've discovered some bad jobs that are made much worse by pregnancy - like anything dealing with trash. And cleaning out the fridge and dumping old, smelly, moldy, colorful foods. Sick. I did that last Friday and because of the negative impact it had on me I designated a "once-a-week" shelf in the fridge. It's the leftover shelf. Anything not used up by Fridays gets dumped. Seems like a good plan (although I had to throw something fuzzy out this morning). Okay, enough about my fridge.
So turns out that McKay and I have loads of boy names we can agree on but have the hardest time with girl names! Last Sunday while settling in for our afternoon nap we decided to get serious about getting some girls names on our list. The result? We now have FIVE boy names picked out. In order. With middle names.
And no girl names.
Oh well. We have 7 more months.
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