Saturday, March 13, 2010

babies everywhere

I just finished a baby shower for three pregnant friends in BYU Singers. It was so hard to keep my mouth shut about me being pregnant! I still haven't told many friends (feel honored, you few who are reading this!) and I figured it would be tacky to announce it at a baby shower for someone else. So I just ate a lot instead of talking!

It was really fun to have friends over in our new home. We had tons of good food and there were loads of cute onesies being opened and adored. So exciting to think of being there myself in a matter of months!

Oh - and the great news is that my horrible morning yesterday was due to taking the pre-natal on an empty stomach. I woke up feeling great this morning, although I did get munching on crackers pretty soon after getting up!

Ups and Downs of the week:
-A downside to this phase of pregnancy is that I'm definitely eating more than before and I'm for sure gaining weight! But I'm not really supposed to be showing yet so I just feel a bit pudgy.
-But, on the bright side, I'm surviving my busy days (and early mornings) of school and teaching.
-Also, the baby shower gave me an excuse to get the house clean and all the laundry done!

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