Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Monday

Feeling a bit more pregnant today . . . really sleepy, goofy stomach.

I woke up after a solid 8 hours of sleep, finished some homework, made pancakes for breakfast and then walked up and down our stairs for a bit of exercise! I couldn't motivate myself to make the drive to the nearest gym or go running outside. Also, I was planning on going to my 10:00 class so I didn't have time for a lengthy workout.

Instead, I put on a pregnancy podcast (breastfeeding, part 1) and walked up and down the stairs for 15 minutes! I hit the shower, got ready . . . and then sat down for a break! Those pancakes feel funny now. Looks like I'll go to class next time. On the bright side, the grocery list is made and the emails are caught up.

That's productive, right?

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me laugh for a few reasons:

    1st, OH MY GOSH!! I am soooo jealous. I think the last time I slept for 8 hour straight was in January 2009!

    2nd, way to start getting the breastfeeding info early! I just thought it would come naturally so I didn't do any research or get any info . . . I was pretty shocked to find it takes a bit of work.

    Although my two observations may come across as pessimistic, please know that I don't mean them to be! Motherhood is AWESOME and I am sooo excited for you. One of the best things I've been able to do since becoming a new mom is laugh when things don't always go according to plan. I may not sleep much and occasionally get bitten while nursing, but if you can laugh at it all then it just adds to the overall enjoyment of being a mommy :D

